How to Reduce Stress


If you’re living with high levels of stress, you’re putting your entire well-being at risk. Stress wreaks havoc on your emotional equilibrium, as well as your physical health. It narrows your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life.

The following stress management tips can help your stress reduce….

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“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

……Nelson Mandela

Breast Cancer

close up of women with cancer awareness ribbons

A closer look at cancer-related deaths among women reveals that lung and bronchus cancer top the list; breast cancer is second. For some women, breast cancer—not lung cancer or heart disease—is the disease that they fear most, and stories about breast cancer abound in consumer magazines for all ages.The outlook for women with breast cancer is improving constantly. Due to increased awareness, opportunities for early detection, and treatment advances, survival rates continue to climb. In the U.S., October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the campaign is designed to increase breast cancer awareness. There are many organizations that support Breast Cancer Awareness Month and provide assistance within early detection plans. Organizations also put together breast cancer fundraisers such as walks and events that support breast cancer research and help fund patients with socio-economic disadvantages.

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Foods That Prevent Hair Fall


Spinach :

Spinach is a great source of iron, vitamin A and C and protein. Iron deficiency is the main cause of hair fall and spinach is not only iron-rich, it also contains sebum which acts as a natural conditioner for hair. It also provides us with omega-3 acid, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. These help in maintaining a healthy scalp and lustrous hair. Continue reading